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Girls Kissing Secrets



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版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Girls Kissing Secrets(圖1)-速報App


The dictionary says that a kiss is "a salute made by touching with the

lips pressed closely together and suddenly parting them". From this it

is quite obvious that, although a dictionary may know something about

words, it knows nothing about kissing.

If we are to get the real meaning of the word kiss, instead of going

to the old fogies who compile dictionaries, we should go to the poets

who still have the hot blood of youth coursing in their veins. For,

instance, Coleridge called a kiss "nectar breathing". Shakespeare says

that a kiss is a "seal of love“. Martial, that old Roman poet who hid

ample opportunity to do research work on the subject, says that a

kiss was "the fragrance of balsam extracted from aromatic trees; the

Girls Kissing Secrets(圖2)-速報App

rise odor yielded by the teeming saffron; the perfume of fruits

mellowing in their winter buds; the flowery meadows in the summer;

amber warmed by the hand of a girl; a bouquet of flowers that

attracts the bees".

Yes, a kiss is all of these ... and more.

Others have said that a kiss was: the balm of love; the first and last

of joys; love's language; the seal of bliss; love's tribute; the melting

sip; the nectar of Venus; the language of love.

Yes, a kiss is all of these … and more.

For a kiss can never be absolutely defined. Because each kiss is

different from the one before and the one after. Just as no two

people are alike, so are no two kisses alike. For it is people who

Girls Kissing Secrets(圖3)-速報App

make kisses. Real, live people pulsating with life and love and

extreme happiness.

Girls Kissing Secrets(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad